Stack of Box
Given a set of boxes, each one has a square bottom and height of 1. Please write a function to return the tallest stack of these boxes. The constraint is that a box can be put on top only when its square bottom is restrictively smaller.
以每个盒子为底都需要遍历一次,时间复杂度 O(n2 ),空间复杂度 O(n)
ArrayList<Box> stackBox(Box boxes[], Box Bottom, HashMap<Box, ArrayList<Box> stackCache){
int len = boxes.length;
if (len == 0) return null;
ArrayList<Box> max_stack;
int max_height = 0;
ArrayList<Box> new_stack;
if (stackCache.contains(bottom)){
return stackCache.get(bottom);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if (boxes[i].canBeAbove(bottom)){
// solve subproblem
new_stack = stackBox(boxes, boxes[i], stackCache);
if (new_stack.size() > max_height){
max_height = new_stack.length();
max_stack = new_stack;
max_stack.insert(0, bottom);
stackCache.put(bottom, max_stack);
return max_stack;